Monday, November 14, 2022

The woman in the window by A. J. Finn

 This was a very good book. Anna Fox is a Child psychologist. She's also an agoraphobian. Which means she can't leave the house without having some breathing problems or even fainting. She spends a lot of her time watching old black and white movies. Plus, she drinks a lot of red wine. She also spends some of her day looking through her camera. She doesn't really take pictures of what she's seeing. Most people just think she's strange and pay her no mind.

Dr. Feilding comes to her house once a week to see how she's doing. Usually they don't talk to much about why she's like she is because he doesn't want to up set her. He knows that she talks to her husband and daughter. You don't find out why their not living with her to farther into the book. I started wondering what was going on pretty early in the book.

She also knew that a new family moved in on the other side of the park. Which she starts to watch them. When the teenage boy Ethan shows up with a candle and to interduce himself to her. She believes he's a very kind kid. She doesn't think much other then that. 

She meets his mother a few days later and things from there become strange to Anna. Because one night while she's watching the family she see's the mother get stabbed. She decides to call the police. After not wanting to wait on them. She makes her first trip out of the house and has problem breathing and things start to spin around her, tell she faints. 

She wakes up in the hospital and not very happy about being there. She meets detective Little. She tells him what she saw and he tells her that he'll take her home and they can figure out what happened. 

After Little takes her home. His partner brings down Mr. Russele. He pretty much just tells Anna that she didn't see anything like that and he brings in his wife who is very much alive. Anna starts getting very upset. Not willing to let this go. Detective Little tries to explain to her that she just thought she saw it and that she needed to let it go. He gives her his card and everyone leaves. She just keeps running it all through her head. 

The book is so good and you'll have to pick it up to find out how it ends. Always remember to read a book, you might just find a favorite or two.

Well, I'm off to start another book. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Curse of Salem by Kay Hooper

 Salem, North Carolina Is a small town full of physics. Bishop started a special unit and two of them is, Hollis and Diana. They are called mediums. They end up in what they call gray area. They both get the feeling that something isn't right and a small child shows up. He shows them the town of Salem. There has been a person missing and may be in a lot of trouble. 

Hollis gets really cold when this happens to her. She still isn't used to her talents like the others. Bishop has been trying to help Diana with hers and he will guild all of them when he needs their help. 

Hollis and Diana tell Bishop what they saw. At first he tells them that they can't just go there without being invited. Next thing they know, the phone rings and its Finn who's the sheriff. That's their invite.

They all know of Salem because of another person that was really bad. Finn tells them that everyone in town is protecting themselves. Bishop knows there's a weird feeling around town and they don't know who's after people in the town. The five main families in town all have their own talents. As far as Finn knows one of the family members has disappeared and their not sure if someone took him or if he left on his own. 

Nellie is one of the family members that can talk to crows. She helped out the last time there was a problem in the town She doesn't like talking to them and when Bishop asks her to talk to them to help them out she does. That's when the find the one that disappeared. He was murdered, so badly that it was hard to figure out who he really was at first. 

After some time later on, they find one other person that no one knew she was even missing. They all thought she just left. 

Well, I'm not going to spoil the ending. You'll have to read the book to find out what happens. 

I'm now off to start another book. Remember to pick up a good book. You never know if you might find a good book you might just like it. 

The Likeness by Tana French

 The is the second book in the Dublin murder squad series and Detective Cassie Maddox is back and transferring out of the murder squad. She&...